Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Setting up a Blog Tour

So I’ve started trying to set up a blog tour for my books release and have come to the realization that I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve got a few sites lined up (thanks to those of you hosting me!) and have now started trying to come up with interesting things to talk about. I’ll probably just do an excerpt/blurb in a few places but I prefer having posts for people to read, since people are probably more likely to read that kind of thing.

Now I just need advice. Have any of you done blog tours? If so, what did you talk about? How many stops did you do? Any advice for a newbie writer?

P.S. I still need a few more stops so let me know if you might be able to host me on your blog/site/whatever. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm about as clueless in this area as anyone, Alyson. I would, however, be happy to let you take over my blog for a post or perhaps do an interview. Just send me an e-mail with what you might have in mind and we'll make it happen.

    Exciting time!
